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Inspired by Nature: Gems that Rock

1801 Mountain Rd NW

This Inspired by Nature is brought you by your State Gem, Turquoise!  Learn all about this iconic Southwest stone and how you can trace specimens back to their mines and how you can tell natural turquoise from fake turquoise.

Then, let’s get our craft on and create turquoise inspired soap!  You will come away from this workshop with a full pound of homemade, nature inspired soap!  This is a perfect way to get ready for the holidays as each pound of soap will make up to 6 bars of soap.

Here are the soap ingredients: Canola oil, Coconut oil, Cocoa butter, Shea butter, Distilled Water, Lye, Kaolin Clay Copper Penny Mica, Aqua Mica, Peacock Teal Mica Diamond Dust Mica, Eucalyptus and Cedar Wood Essential Oils.

Mask and goggles will be provided to each person during the soap making process.

21+ only (bring your I.D.) Tickets $40. All tickets include a voucher for one free drink and additional drinks can be purchased at the cash bar.

A portion of every ticket sale will go to help support the Geology Program at the Museum.


Purchase Tickets Here


Adults $40
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