Celebrate the opening of the Museum’s new Bradbury Stamm Construction Hall of Ancient Life with family-friendly activities and free museum attendance for New Mexico residents!
Bring the whole family and join us as we celebrate our newest exhibit here at the museum! Enjoy hands-on activities from 10 AM – 2 PM as you learn all about the Paleozoic era. Craft and create with us as we discover New Mexico under water with ancient sea creatures. Then come ashore and explore life on land with gigantic bugs, ancient amphibians, reptiles, and more. Enjoy listening and learning about this beach bonanza during our toddler and school-age Story Times.
Additionally, attendance is free for all New Mexico residents throughout the day. Please bring a driver’s license or other proof of residency to participate. Activities from 10 AM - 2 PM. Museum open 9 AM – 5 PM.