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Volunteer Training for the Annular Eclipse


A rare and very special event, an annular eclipse of the sun, will be visible along a track through New Mexico at mid-morning on October 14, 2023, the last Saturday of this year's International Balloon Fiesta!  Albuquerque is in the exact spot to see the sun become a perfect ring of light (when viewed safely) for nearly the longest duration. The Museum will  be holding special afternoons each day of the week leading up to the eclipse and the morning and early afternoon of the eclipse day. 


We need you! Get ready to help us educate the public during this amazing experience by attending the special training for New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science volunteers on Sept 27 from 10am to noon. You will find out what an annular eclipse is and why it happens - and learn to present the many solar-related activities we will have available for the public. All Museum volunteers are welcome to attend.

No prior volunteer experience required.  We welcome anyone with a willingness to learn information and interact with the public in a friendly and positive manner.

Volunteer applications will be available to day of the training.

For more information, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Kristin Hsueh at

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