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Bradbury Stamm Construction Hall of Ancient Life (Opens Feb. 15)

The 3,000-square-foot Bradbury Stamm Construction Hall of Ancient Life completes the Museum’s exploration of life in New Mexico by telling the story of 300 million years of evolution before the time of the dinosaurs. This new hall focuses on the natural history of what’s now New Mexico, showcasing around 300 never-before-seen fossils from ancient fish, amphibians, invertebrates, reptiles, and more uncovered across our state. 

Learn about ancient sharks that swam the shallow seas that once covered New Mexico, follow tracks made by the largest arthropod to have ever lived on Earth, and view the oldest known fossil in New Mexico: a trilobite that lived around 500 million years ago. The Bradbury Stamm Construction Hall of Ancient Life completes the museum’s story of life in New Mexico, more than half a billion years in the making. 

This is a permanent exhibition located on the Museum’s 2nd floor. It is included with Museum admission. 

NOTE: Exhibit open 9:00 am - 12:00 pm for members only on Saturday, Feb. 15. The exhibition opens at 12:00 pm for all visitors on Saturday.

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