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Special Exhibit and Event -- "Opals"

Atrium minerals

On Exhibit from February to August 2017

Exhibit opens to the public on Friday, February 10

Katherine Jetter, Australian born opal jeweler, gemologist and designer, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, will be our guest curator for a 6 month opal exhibit. The exhibit will feature examples of Australian, Mexican, Ethiopian and Peruvian opal, as well as some set jewels from her own collection. Ms. Jetter is an internationally recognized jewelry designer and GIA graduate gemmologist, and has been a leading expert in the opal industry for over a decade.

Special Event all-day February 10…demos, displays. Schedule includes:

Opal Events: Friday February 10

  • 10am to 2pm:  Rock, mineral and gem demonstrations and displays by the Albuquerque Gem and Mineral Club and Museum Lapidary Studio
  • 9am to 12:30pm: George Franzen (in the Lapidary Studio) will demo opal cutting and polishing and be available to talk with visitors to the Museum.

Special events continued on Saturday February 11, please see that listing for additional details.

(All above is FREE with Museum Admission on Friday)






Free with regular Museum admission.
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