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Socorro Active Magma Body

3400'53.7"N, 106°17'14.0"W; Socorro County
Active mid-crustal magma-filled sill
Unknown, but geomorphic evidence for long-term uplift in overlying landscape is limited, suggegsting that it is young
One of the best examples of a mid-crustal, seismically "bright" magam boundies in the continental US; Yellowstone and Long Valley caldera are the other two

A proposed outline of the extent of the magma body relative to the State of New Mexico. This area also roughly outlines the extent of most of the shallow earthquake activity within New Mexico. In the lower right is a depiction oif one possible arrangment of the magam body. Conceptually, dikes periodically ascending from the mantle source stall at the mid-crustal boundary. Flexure of the overlying brittle crust gives rise to the abundant seismicity. .

The SMB lies at the southern end of the Albu­querque basin part of the Rio Grande rift (see image above). It is strictly defined as a mid-crustal anomaly identi­fied by geophysical observations. These include the presence of unusual crustal properties, defined by analysis of the way seismic energy is reflected from the surface of the proposed magma body and transmitted through the crust from distant (teleseis­mic) earthquakes, and by the concentrated distribu­tion of earthquakes. These observations define the presence of a crustal anomaly, but it is the close spatial correlation with the Socorro seismic anom­aly (SSA) (Sanford et al., 1977), one of the most seismically active parts of the rift, that implies volume moments associated with active magma movement.

The SSA is a roughly 5000 km2 area of intense micoearthquake activity that coincides with the greater than 3400 km2 area (Balch, 1992; Balch et al., 1997) of the SMB defined from reflection data. Most of the microearth­quakes in the SSA are located between a depth of 4 to 14 km (Jiracek et al., 1987). This is within the brittle zone lying above the approximate 20 km depth of the SMB mid-crustal anomaly. That the seismicity is anomalous is apparent when one considers that 45 percent of the total seismicity above magnitude 2.5 in New Mexico occurs within this area, yet it occupies only 2 percent of the area of the state (Balch, 1992). Hypotheses for the origin of the microearthquake activity include fractures caused by bending stresses in the brittle upper crust as the magma body inflates and frac­tures are induced during small vertical diking events. The inset in the lower right corner of the state map above and the drawing below is a simplified depiction of a possible configuration of the SMB and its feeder dikes. The salient characteristic is the great width relative to the thickness. Geophysical work to date suggests that the SMB is on the order of 0.1 to 0.5 km thick and contains a volume of 102 to 103 km3 (Ake and Sanford, 1987).

Drawing depicting the geometry of the proposed Socorro magma body. The main body occurs as a sheet roughly 100 m thick spread out at the interface between the upper and lower crust.

The volume of actual melt is not well con­strained. Current methods do not resolve whether the region is comprised of a series of sheets sepa­rated by layers of solid or whether the entire layer consists of some large fraction of melt. It is likely that the layer is supplied by frequent arrivals of melt via dikes from the mantle source region. Occasion­ally, some dikes may move upward above the magma body to shallower (a few km) depths, based on the apparent presence of shallow bodies in the vi­cinity of Socorro (Sanford, 1979; Roach, 1982).

Some background references

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